Linux Unix help !!

"Give respect to Time, One day at right Time, Time will respect You"

Monday, May 14, 2012

Create filesystem in a partition

One of my application creates un-necessary logs or dumps that fills my filesystem .
Say example I have only root partition "/" and other filesystems(/var/, /usr etc..) are in "/" .
Sometime one of my application creates lots of files and unwaned logs at path /var/log/mycore and that fills my root partition and my oher application stops working .

I want to give a permanent solution, but I have some limitations as below
- I don't have extra free disk block to create new partition
- I can't add any any new disk/LUN etc .
- I can't stop that application logging etc...

Here's solution that have applied on one of my server and it's working as am expected .

## Example
# df -h  /
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3              72G   57G   12G  79% /

## I have 12 GB free space now check size of dir: /var/log/mycore
# du -sch /var/log/mycore
2G     /var/log/mycore
2G     total

## Okay now we have 2 way
1> Define quota .. but not preferred .
2> Create a filesystem with allocated space

## Am preferring to go with way-2 as below
As have 12G free space on "/", so I will allocate 3GB to /var/log/mycore as below

Step-1: Create a file usign dd with size 3GB
# dd  if=/dev/zero of=/var/log/FS_mycore bs=1024M count=3

Step-2: Create file system as per your requirement here am going with ext4
# mkfs.ext4  /var/log/FS_mycore

Step-3: Stop your application

Step-4:  Move /var/log/mycore  and create a new directory (Note: Reserve the permissions as original dir has)
# mv /var/log/mycore  /var/log/mycore_old
# mkdir  /var/log/mycore

Step-5: Mount and copy back all files and delete /var/log/mycore_old
# mount  -o loop  /var/log/FS_mycore  /var/log/mycore
# mount  -l

# df -h  /var/log/mycore/
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/var/log/FS_mycore    3.0G   68M  2.8G   2% /var/log/mycore/

# cp -rp  /var/log/mycore_old/* /var/log/mycore/

# cd  /var/log/mycore/ ; ls -lrth
# rm -fr  /var/log/mycore_old/

## Make entry in fstab
/var/log/mycore_old     /var/log/mycore         ext4    defaults,loop        0 0

##  Testing
# umount  /var/log/FS_mycore # mount -a
# mount -l 

## Step-6: Don't forget to start your application and check logs and all to verify all are okay ...


> Shirish Shukla

Diff file1 file2

Many time we come across situation that we want exact diff between two files ..
There are various Linux command which we can use like

# diff
# cmp

# cat  1
# cat  2

### Using diff
# diff -iw 1 2
< 1
< 4
< 5
> 7
> 8

1d0< 1
- Add "1" at line 1 of file 2
< 4
< 5

- Add  "4" at line 4 of file 2
- Add  "5" at line 5 of file 2
> 7
> 8

- Add  "7" at line 7 of file 2
- Add  "8" at line 8 of file 2

-- Actual count as line 0 - N

Here it's tough to found whats mean of above if you are using it first time, What we expect is I want only those line which are missing in file 2 .

So have written a small PerlScript to achieve so, it's possible with BashScript too, but to parse a large file BashScript will take more time .

Script :

# Written By - Shirish
#### perl file1 file2  OUTPUT
#### Will give you exact diff between file1 and file2 in OUTPUT file
##### Only lines that are in file1 but missing in file2
#open a, "<filea";
#open b, "<fileb";
$x = $ARGV[0];
$y = $ARGV[1];
$z = $ARGV[2];
open a, "< $x";
open b, "< $y";
open (OP, ">$z") || die ("Unable to create Report");
local $/;
my @a = split /\n/, <a>;
my @b = split /\n/, <b>;
my %b = map { $_ => 1 } @b; # Make hash of B
my @res = grep { !defined $b{$_} } @a; # Everything in A not in B
print OP join "\n", @res;
#print join "\n", @res;
print "\n";

## How to use
## What's in file 1 which are absent in file 2
# perl 1 2 1-2 
# cat 1-2

## What's in file 2 which are absent in file 1
# perl 2 1 2-1
# cat 2-1

> Shirish Shukla

difference between two file linux, unix, find diff of two files, command diff, perl script to find diff of two files, compare two files, linux, linuxva, shirish, shukla


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