Linux Unix help !!

"Give respect to Time, One day at right Time, Time will respect You"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Power of vi editor Linux

Power of vi Editor
# vim /home/shirish/myscripts/ <-- colorfull look
# vi  /home/shirish/myscripts/  <-- simple
Moving through the text is usually possible with the arrow keys. If not, try:

h -> move Left
l  -> move Right
k -> move up
j -> move down

shift+H : top of file  (or :1 similarly you can go to any line by line number(n) :n)
shift+G : end of file (or :$)

dd       --> delete current line
5+dd   -> delete 5 line from current line (similarly n line)
5+dw   -> delete 5 words from current word
x         -> delete single character from current position
cc        -->cut all current line  content & leave the editor in insert mode
C         --> delete all words from current position to end of line.
s         -->cur the current character and leave te curser in insert mode

yy       -->copy line
n+yy   --> copy n lines
pp       -->paste copied line etc..
n+pp   -->paste n times

Insert Mode:
1> i   or I (cpas i)
2> Insert button
3> a (+move curser to 1 position right)
4> A (+ move the curser at end of line)
5> o  (+ a blank line below current)
6> O (+ a blank line above current)

Command mode:  ESC button

:w   -> Save
ESC+z+z --> Save & exit
:wq  -> Save & Exit
:q    -> Exit
:q!   -> Exit without Save
:w file2 will save the text to file2.
:wq! overrides read-only permission
/find  -->Search string "find"  use "n" to search new location
? find --> same as above but search in opposite dir
:1, $s/shirish/shukla/g  -->replace shirish by shukla throught file

undo & redo:
esc+u --> undo
ctl+r   --> redo
esc .  --> repeate the previous change


step 1> Go to the required word (type ESC+ma) you can use any lowercase  a - z, A - Z, [  ect,..   note that a & A store diff bookmarks etc..
step  2>To go to bookmarked location (type ESC+ `+a  ) note ` is above TAB button, similarly you can give various bookmarkes
* You can go to yu last edited line by -->  ESC+`+ .

:marks   --> Will show  your bookmarks in current file.

Quick Summary of Vim Bookmark Commands

    * ma –> Creates a bookmark called a
    * `a   –> Jump to the exact location (line and column) of the bookmark a
    * ‘a   –> Jump to the beginning of the line of the bookmark a
    * :marks –> Display all the bookmarks
    * :marks a –> Display the details of the bookmark with name a
      `. –> Jump to the exact location (line and column) where the last change was performed
    * ‘. –> Jump to the beginning of the line where the last change was performed


K --> Go to the man page of the word currently under the curser.

How to schedule cron job Linux

Schedule Crontab jobs

It's a unix solaris utility that tasks to be run automatically in background at regular interval.
Daemon: crond

/usr/lib/cron/cron.allow -> Use can use if your name exist in this file
In absence of this file it's necessary that your name does not exist in
And If only cron.deny exist but empty then all users can use crontab.
But if neither exists only root can use crontab.

crontab -l ->List crontab file
crontab -e ->Edit crontab file
crontab -r ->Remove crontab file

====Crontab file fields

* * * * * command to be executed

|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
|  |  | +------- month (1 - 12)
|  | +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
|  +----------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------- min (0 - 59)

0> Edit crontab for root 
# Login as root
# crontab -e

1>Edit crontab for user shukla
# crontab -u shukla -e

2>Display crontab defined by user shukla
# crontab -u shukla -l

3>Delete shukla's tmp file /home/shukla/dumps/*.* every day at 3:30pm
# crontab -u shukla -e
30 15 * * * * rm /home/shukla/dumps/*

4>Do above every monday-wednesday at 3pm but only in mnth of august
# crontab -u shukla -e
* 15 * * 8 1-3 rm /home/shukla/dumps/*

5>Do above on 1,23 of aug
* 15 1,23 * 8 1-3 rm /home/shukla/dumps/*

6>Do Above at 10:10AM and 6:20pm everyday...
10,20 10,18 * * * rm /home/shukla/dumps/*

7> Sample tricky examples
>Run Every hour
0 * * * * ....
>Run every min
* * * * * * ....

 >Run every 5 min
*/5 * * * *  .....

>Run ever 2 hour interval eg:00:05, 02:05
5 */2 * * *

>Ever month except april
* * * jan-mar,5-12 * * OR
* * * 1-3,5-12 * *

>On every reboot display msg alert
@reboot wall "PC is going to REBOOT"

>Ever hour same above --->this will run 1st sec of every hr equivalent to (0 * * * *)
@hourly wall "PC is going to REBOOT"

Some similar too:
@yearly --> (0 0 1 1 *)
@annually --> (0 0 1 1 *)
@monthly --> (0 0 1 * *)
@weekly --> (0 0 * * 0)
@daily --> (0 0 * * *)
@midnight --> (0 0 * * *)

--Shirish Shukla

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Linux History command tips & Tricks

History Command Tips:

1>Generally # history displays only commands you tiped last Suppose you want time too then...?

# export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '
# history | more
1  2010-11-11 15:05:20 top
2  2010-11-11 15:05:25 man top
3  2010-11-11 15:05:29 free -m
4  2010-11-11 15:10:05 cat /proc/mdstat

2>Search last hosory by ctl+r and type command you typed in last
when comes just press enter or use arrow to edit and fire you command

#Press Ctrl+R from the command prompt,
(reverse-i-search)`man ': man Top
[Note: Press enter or edit as per your requirement]

3>#Repeat you previou command quick
way 1> use up arroy once
way 2> !!   <- Enter
way 3> !-1  <- Enter
way 4> ctl+p <-Enter

4> quick sortcut
#!5  <- 5th commnds you used from history to check use #history |less
#!man <- latest commnad you used that started with man...
#export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups (ignore duplicates commnds from history)
#export HISTCONTROL=erasedups  (remove duplicates commnds from history)
#export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace (ignore to add cmnds starting with space in history)
#export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
#  man dig
1 pwd
2 man top
3 ...
but history does not store any command you start with space

5> Clear your history
# history -c

6> Disable to use of history
# export HISTSIZE=0
# history
no o/p

7> Enable history to not record specifics commnands
# export HISTIGNORE="man:ll:pwd:password:alias amgreat=clear:amgreat"
Now use above commands but history dosent save it.
8> control you history size ..
# vi /home/yourhome_dir/.bash_profile


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